Liam Riehs, Plymouth High School; Fred McNeil, City of Manchester; Harry Stewart, NH DES Water Division; Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster; John Adie, City of Nashua; Shelagh Connelly, Resource Management, Inc.
RMI President, Shelagh Connelly and fellow members of the NH Water Pollution Control Association (NHWPCA) traveled to Washington DC in April to participate in the annual New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Congressional Briefing. This year’s briefing also overlapped with the National Water Policy Forum & Fly-In sponsored by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, the Water Environment Federation and the Water Environment Research Foundation.
The topics brought before our elected officials this year were the need to invest in our aging and failing water infrastructure, and the difficulty of working with increasing regulatory burden. Acknowledging that water is essential to our economy and public health, attendees urged our elected officials to re-authorize funding for State Revolving Funds and for bi-partisan support of the Clean Water Act .
The NHWPCA is committed to visiting DC each year so that our delegation keeps water as a high priority. The unseen water infrastructure needs a champion – and that is what we are, because Water’s Worth It!!!