Heart & Soil® products help municipalities, turf managers, and academic athletic departments, revitalize and maintain sports and athletic fields.
Turf Growers, Sports Fields, Parks, and Golf Courses
Resource Management, Inc. (RMI) is the premier residuals management company in the Northeast. RMI specializes in developing specialty soils and soil products for niche markets. Both turf growers and golf courses require high quality soils for their operations. RMI manufactures specialty topsoils tailored to each setting.
For establishing a lawn, creating a new sports field, building a golf course, installing a fairway, or producing turf for harvest – RMI specialty soils surpass conventional loam options.
RMI specialty topsoils provide:
- Balanced fertility for optimum grass growth including micronutrients
- Slow release nitrogen for continuous feed that won’t burn young grasses
- Reduced erosion
- Increased water holding capacity
- Higher level of cation exchange capacity for increased nutrient holding
- Optimum levels of organic matter to reduce compaction
- Dark rich color
- Excellent soil structure for optimal root penetration and water percolation
For sod farming RMI specialty soil is ideal as it is:
- Free of rocks
- Cuts nicely
- Cohesive soil
- Water won’t pond
- Sod stays fresher longer
RMI specialty soils are engineered through a recipe tailored for each site. The ingredients for success include:
- Wood Ash fertilizer supplies potassium, magnesium and fast-acting liming qualities. Adds a rich, dark color that enhances loam quality and performance.
- Paper Fiber increases soil organic matter, reduces erosion, improves water holding capacity to resist drought. Perfect for sod production and fields with lots of rugged sports activity.
- Biosolids provides nitrogen and phosphorus to ensure a jump start on plants’ growth – a slow release fertilizer beneficial for land located in or near sensitive watersheds.
RMI Heart & Soil® products are guaranteed performers. RMI’s specialty soils will enhance your turf quality and performance.
RMI product quality and technical support ensures that you get the results you are looking for in a cost-effective and environmentally sensitive manner.
Staff soil scientists and agronomists will assist you in determining the best application for your project, including site, soil, and nutrient management considerations. RMI product quality and technical support ensures that you get the results you are looking for in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner.
Let our qualified staff assist you in determining the best application for your operations.
For more information about our RMI services or products, please contact us at 603-536-8900
email: RMI@RMIrecycles.com