Resource Management, Inc. (RMI) is the Northeast leader in innovative management strategies and solutions for agribusiness, topsoil purveyors, product generators and municipalities. RMI offers the Heart & Soil® product line that includes biosolids, paper fiber, paper fiber bedding, wood ash and engineered topsoil. RMI also provides nutrient management planning and has environmental enhancement programs throughout New England and New York.
Farmers / Growers
RMI tailors product recommendations to your individual cropping goals and future plans for your soil, and can assist with targeted nutrient management planning. RMI ensures that the products selected are the right fit for both short and long-term returns. All products in RMI’s Heart & Soil® product line enhance soil productivity and crop yields, while protecting surrounding water quality and natural resources.
Contractors / Gravel Pit Operators
RMI’s Heart & Soil® product line is uniquely suited to maximizing your financial return. RMI’s reclamation services and products ensure success – from cost-effective reclamation services that help restore the market value of disturbed land, to transformation of low-quality loam into a high dollar topsoil. Contact us today to see how partnering with RMI can benefit you.
Municipal Managers
RMI has the right product for every public works project – road construction, roadside and slope stabilization, landfill closure, playing field construction, landscaping, gravel pit reclamation and lagoon closures. RMI’s consulting services coupled with the cost-effective Heart & Soil® product line will guarantee a successful project from every angle – environmental, financial, reduced maintenance, natural resource protection – resulting in a partnership for success.
Recycling / Suppliers
Looking for an innovative solution to managing your organic residuals? Contact RMI for a comprehensive proposal for recycling your by-products. RMI provides turnkey recycling services, including product development, regulatory permitting, compliance oversight, transportation, and beneficial use throughout the New England and eastern New York.
RMI—Your Partner from Start to Finish
For more information about our RMI services or products, please contact us at 603-536-8900
email: RMI@RMIrecycles.com